A Moment to Reflect

The holiday season of 2018 has passed us by but now it gives us a time to look back and reflect on the opportunities it provided us to make a difference in our local areas.

The Spirit of Christmas is an effort that continues to spread joy to many since 2004.  This year the UNCOMN team, along with many family and friends gathered together, set a plan and away they went…

The holiday season is a perfect time to reflect on your blessings and seek out ways to make life better for those around us.

The team sponsored the St. Vincent De Paul Santa Bus. We had the opportunity to aid those visiting the bus with getting on and off, as they visited. The team helped take pictures and provided an on-the-spot framed photograph with Santa. An abundance of winter wear was collected and passed out to those in need which included; hats, gloves, coats, blankets, scarves, socks and toys! Happiness and excitement filled the air as the children and parents were able to meet Santa, enjoy a meal with us and gather some much-needed warm winter gear.

To help out the Cosgrove Kitchen located in East St. Louis, IL the team collected and donated a vast number of items such as; blankets, pillows, sheets, towels, hats, gloves, coats, clothes and an assortment of toiletries. Along with the donated items, we were overjoyed to be able to donate 100, $5.00 Save-A-Lot gift cards to help the homeless patrons that come to Cosgrove. Additionally, the team visited on December 22 to volunteer on-site, providing assistance with sorting and organization of all the donations received during the season. While the team was on-site the power went out! Without any hesitation, an assembly line was formed, and everyone helped make box lunches in the dark for the anticipated lunch crowd.

This year we were able to sponsor three families in the Greater St. Louis area. With the generosity of our team, Weekends Only Furniture and St. Vincent De Paul we were able to provide the families with items that will last for many years to come. The items included; children and adult clothing, gifts from Santa, multiple twin beds, a queen bed, and a couch!

Last but certainly not least the team was able to provide and assemble a new bunk bed set and common area furniture to the Holy Angels Shelter located in East St. Louis.

This reflection provides a little reminder that the spirit of giving isn’t something that happens once a year. It’s all the things that add up within 1 year, 12 months, 365 days as the year goes by. We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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