We are not content with ‘good enough’. – Be More… Do More

We are not content with ‘good enough’. We pursue excellence in all we do — self-consciously working a little smarter, dressing a little sharper and playing a little harder than the competition.

When UNCOMN team members wake up in the morning they have an opportunity to decide right then and there what type of day they are going to have.

They put their pants on one leg at a time just like everyone else but the mindset is different, the intention for the day is different and their actions are different. The core value Be More…Do More is a call to excellence. Its putting in 10-12 hours of work into an 8 hour day. Its not doing the things that require talent necessarily but doing the things that require effort; being on time, work ethic, energy, positive attitude and going above and beyond. Nick Powers, VP of Growth said it best:

“Respect must be earned. This requires a commitment to doing everything well. Work harder. Dress Sharper. Win.” – Nick Powers

UNCOMN sets their expectation of their team members from the beginning of the recruiting process. Going over the highlights of your career is just as important as what inspires and motivates you on a daily basis. Questions about furthering your education, certifications and experience? Are paired with questions like…What makes you an Uncommon Genius?

UNCOMN leadership empowers their teams to have a PURPOSE in the workplace. Be More… Do More is a simple reminder to strive for 1% more every day in everything that they do.

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