Core Values

Our Foundational Elements

At UNCOMN, we welcome and nurture the eccentricities each person brings to our team. We constantly seek to improve ourselves and our communities through the work we do and through the way we work. It’s the driven, unique individuals that make us a strong, successful team of problem attackers, for organizations of all sizes. As we solve those challenges, we keep our efforts corralled and each other accountable through application of these core values.

Prioritize People

We value our people over profits, our client and partner relationship over any short-term gain and our human reputation over any material reward.

Love the Problem

We are engineers, architects, analysts, and hackers. Rather than shying away from complex problems, we are attracted to them, applying systems thinking to develop elegant solutions.

Be More, Do More

We are not content with “good enough”. We pursue excellence in all we do — self-consciously working a little smarter, dressing a little sharper and playing a little harder than the competition.

Celebrate Uncommon Genius

Humans with unique skill sets are often accompanied by colorful personalities. We encourage originality, seeking opportunities to align individual interest and passion with the work we do. 

Cultivate Beauty

We pursue truth, goodness, and beauty. We believe our business interactions should leave our employees, our clients, and our communities better than we found them.

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